• We ask all players and visitors to follow the general code of conduct. Respect the instructions of the marshal and resort staff.
• Please return the cut divots (cuttings) to their original place, align the traces in the bunkers and repair the pitch marks after the ball hits the putting greens.
• When using electric golf carts, respect the signs directing their operation, especially around the putting greens. Drive only on fairways and fairways, do not drive into the rough.
• Keep pace with the game. The time limit for 9-hole play is 2:20 p.m., for 18-hole play it is 4:40 p.m.
• Do not throw trash and cigarette butts on the ground.
• Playing with driving balls is prohibited on the field.
• Penalty for breaking a local rule: general penalty in stroke play, loss of hole in hole play.
The penalty areas located on the hole are marked on the information signs at each hole. The edges of the penalty area, whether it is a water hazard or a waste area, are marked here with red dots. We encourage players to study these maps before teeing off on each hole and to know which specific part of the hole is in the penalty area.
The boundaries of the playground are determined in two ways: in some places pegs, in other places the boundary of the playground is defined by a path going around the area. White pegs mark the boundaries of the course on holes number 4, 5, always on the right side in the direction of play. For holes number 1 and 3 on the right side, red pegs with a black top are placed on the hole/course boundaries. From these places, the game is prohibited, the player must take advantage of the relief with one penalty stroke. On holes number 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, the boundary of the course is the path that borders the area. In this case, the exact boundary of the field is defined by the inner/closer edge of the path (closer from the point of view of the player in the area). Therefore, if the ball finds its entire surface on or behind the path, it is considered to be out of bounds.
Penalty areas are designated by pins, lines or physical attributes; in most cases, it is defined primarily by physical attributes. Penalty areas are all water areas on holes number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18. There are also penalty areas called waste areas (stony-sandy areas with possible scattered vegetation) on holes number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16. In all cases, these are red penalty areas. The edges are either marked with a red line, or they are determined by a natural boundary – physical attributes (terrain break, change in the character of vegetation, etc.). A player may play from these areas if the position of the ball allows it, or he may take relief with one penalty stroke.
The area marked with red pegs with a black top on the right of holes number 1 and 3 is a red penalty area with a ban on play and entry (biozone). Entry into this area is prohibited, even to search for the ball. The player cannot play from these areas, he is obliged to use relief with one penalty stroke.
These are all parts of the irrigation and drainage system, all roads with an artificial or non-grass surface, trees with supports, or protective trunks. This also includes distance markers on low cut surfaces, benches, trash cans, ball cleaners and all information and advertising boards.
These are red and yellow pins marking penalty areas, distance pins, blue pins marking ground under repair, directional, orientation and information signs. Stones in bunkers larger than 1 cm.
Ground under repair is marked with blue pins. Furthermore, the soil under repair is all clear remains of excavation and construction works.
Thank you for following the golf rules and the rules of good behavior and we wish you a nice game!
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